NTC125 Household DIY Autofocus Inspection Camera
USB Connected Endoscope Compatible with Android, PC, & Apple OSX
Technical Specs
Model Number: NTC125
Type: Auto-Focus
Single Lens: Straight-viewing
Diameter: 0.49 in (12.5 mm)
Length: 16 ft (5-meters)
Megapixel: 5.0 Megapixels
Resolution: 2594x1944 / 1920x1080 pixels
Viewing Angle: 70°
Depth of Field: 1.18 in to infinity (30 mm to infinity)
LED Light: 6 Adjustable High-intensity LEDs
What is in the package
Autofocus Endoscope
Micro Inspection Camera
Side-viewing Mirror (for a 90-degree side-view)
Hook and Magnet (for retrieving items)
User Manual